Maryland state archives special collections. 5 minute series (topographic).
Maryland state archives special collections. Access to the images is for MHS and MSA staff, and on .
Maryland state archives special collections Series 3 administrative files are restricted. Written permission from the church required for access. Scale 1:24000 [5 copies] MSA SC 1427 -1-1620 B5/03/03 - Maryland State Roads Commission 1960 Highway and travel condition bulletin showing points of delay and detour due to highway improvements MSA SC 1427 -1-153 B5/01/01 - Maryland Geological Survey 1975 MSA Collection MSA SC 4216: See Also Additional records may be found in MSA SC 4217: St. Description Digital image scanned from a hand-drawn map by Grace Tracey showing the entire county with Dr. Description: Digital Collection of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Baltimore. ] The contents of this collection were donated to the Maryland State Archives at that time. Medium textile. Right of way property plan, Federal Aid Project no. 57-59 (list at Maryland State Archives Special Collections Map Collections Index by Title. Stephen's and St. http://speccol. 1851 A new map of Maryland and Delaware with their canals, roads and distances This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. Correspondence, 1854-1856 MSA SC 4004: Dates: 1799-1870: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. History Diverse collection of copy photographs (no original prints) from numerous institutions and individuals. Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Mark's Methodist Church: official membership and church record 1952-1966; minutes, board 1953-1966; minutes, quarterly conference 1952-1966; letters concerning church tower bells 1961; proceedings on merger of churches 1952-1953. . us/msa/speccol/catalog/cfm/index. Description Robert Allen . State of Maryland: state highway system and connections MSA SC 1427 -1-1632 B5/03/03 - State Highway Administration 1985 State of Maryland traffic volume map: average daily traffic MSA SC 1427 -1-1674 B5/03/03 - State Highway Administration 1985-1986 State of Maryland: state highway system and connections MSA SC 1427 -1-1629 B5/03/03 - Mar 2, 2020 · The Maryland State Archives Guide to Special Collections is a web-based tool to search and browse special collections of map, photographic, newspaper, private, business and religious records. Inventories: Microfilm Inventory Collection Inventory When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. The Archives sees preservation and access to newspapers as part of its vital mission to serve the public. Dates 1840-1849 . The Maryland State Archives Guide to Special Collections is a web-based tool to search and browse special collections of map, photographic, newspaper, private, business and religious records. gov Please provide an accession number (if known) and all pertinent property information. CARTOGRAPHER: DATE: TITLE: ACCESSION NUMBER: LOCATION: IMAGES: Anonymous 1840 [1975] MSA SC 2652: Dates: 1710-1935: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. The Maryland State Archives is committed to ensuring that our digitization efforts reflect the records of interest to patrons. 1852 Map of the state of Maryland MSA SC 1399 -1-419 CIRCULATION COPY: See reference copy in search room map cases RESTRICTED -- DO NOT CIRCULATE MAP STORED AT: B5/05/05/ - Lukens, John 1759 [Land of the Pensylvania Land Company in London] MSA SC 1427 -1-1238 B5/03/01 - MSA SC 1560-1-1: Collection: Maryland Battle Flag Collection This project has been sponsored by the Maryland State Archives and the Maryland Historical Society with funds provided by the Board of Public Works, State of Maryland, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, grant #RC 25304-77-21. Shafer: Location: Brunswick, Frederick County, MD | View more titles from this: City, County, State Storage Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Storage Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Maryland State Archives Guide to Special Collections has moved to . A Supplement to the Early Settlers of Maryland Maryland State Archives, Annapolis This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. This inventory contains 11,861 American Civil War veterans buried in 1,106 cemeteries in Maryland. md. MSA SC 2499: Dates: 1681-1951: Medium: Original, microfilm, digital: Restrictions: RESTRICTED: Access to collection is through microfilm. Description Electronic files, supplement to Skordas' The Early Settlers of Maryland (1968). : Description Syllabus and Course Description The general themes of the day's sessions will be the creation, importation, and interpretation of Maryland law, with emphasis on the definition of sovereignty and citizenship, domestic and race relations, toleration, professionalization in and of the law, and the art of Constitution Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. 13: Photo Albums: post-bound album, "The Mountain Club of Maryland, Hikes 1950-1951". 1827 MSA SC 1399 -1-598 CIRCULATION COPY: See reference copy in search room map cases RESTRICTED -- DO NOT CIRCULATE MAP STORED AT: /// - Vance, D. gov Any questions or problems with viewing certain files or plats please contact Maryland State Archives Help Desk at msa. Includes photographs. S. mdarchives. 1824 [1827] Map of Virgina and Maryland constructed from the latest authorities. These resources include digital publications, special collections, and image collections from the holdings of the Maryland State Archives. : 5656, MSA No. If you have any questions, please contact msa. Those that are inventoried in the government record series MSA S 1512, HALL OF RECORDS COMMISSION (Historical Records Survey, Churches) 1935-1941 and those in the custody of the Archives’ Special For general information on ordering documents from the Maryland State Archives, please view the Order Forms Website. RESTRICTED: Do not circulate originals without the permission of the Registrar or the Director of the Maryland Newspaper Project: Film No. 5 minute series (topographic). You will be redirected Finding aids in the Archives Searchroom include the book publication Mame and Marion E. Map of the state of Maryland MSA SC 1427 -1-120 B5/01/01 - Lucas, Fielding, Jr. MSA SC 1085: Dates: 1959: Medium: Copies, microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: 00/25/02/72: Film Number(s) SCM 1680: Description "The Landholdings of Map of Virginia and Maryland constructed from the latest authorities. In searchable pdf format, best viewed with Adobe Acrobat viewer, 6. Images of the microfilm reels are available in MSA SC 4547: St. MSA special collections also includes issues for August 8, 1814 and April 25, 1817 (MSA SC 1925-1-12). 7. Location: Bel Air, Harford County, MD | View more titles from this: City, County, State The papers are in the collection of the Maryland Center for History & Culture: Storage: 00/23/10/53: Film Number(s) Description: Digital images derived from the microfilm reels belonging to the Maryland Historical Society, of the papers of the Maryland State Colonization Society, MS 571. Do not circulte originals without the permission of the primary search room archivist Map of the state of Maryland MSA SC 1399 -1-409 CIRCULATION COPY: See reference copy in search room map cases RESTRICTED -- DO NOT CIRCULATE MAP STORED AT: b5/05/05/ - Griffith, Dennis 1794 Map of the State of Maryland MSA SC 1427 -1-468 b5/01/03 - Griffith, Dennis 1794 Map of the state of Maryland MSA SC 1427 -1-546 b5/01/03 - It has been expanded by later acquisitions from religious organizations to the Maryland State Archives. RESTRICTED: Do not circulate master recordings of oral history interviews; contact Special Collections for audio materials. Collection Inventory Series 1: administrative and historical material Series 2: photographs, video Series 3: award certificates and oversize material Series 4: objects (plaques and trophies) Series 5: Mary Brown material Hickman Quadrangle: Delaware-Maryland. : Description V. Special Collections Home; Browse Newspapers; Digital Newspapers; Maryland State Archives 1988 XKFA FM (1988:01-1988:12) Prince George's County 1981- XKSC FM s Archives' collection includes issues for December 27, 1951 (MSA SC 3681) and April 28, 1952 (MSA SC 3681). Related Titles Storage Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Stephen and St. Research files, molinography [mills] in Maryland from Baltimore County Historian, John McGrain. Film Number(s) SCM 279, SCM 941, SCM 1158 - SCM 1159, SCM 1228, SCM 2616, SCM 11310 proper citation The Maryland State Archives Guide to Special Collections is a web-based tool to search and browse special collections of map, photographic, newspaper, private, business and religious records. Description: Copy photographs made by Marion E. The present Baltimore lodge is named after Prince Hall, who founded Black Masonry in the United States. See the website for access: The New Early Settlers of Maryland. Reel 12, The Papers of the Maryland State Colonization Society, 1817-1902. RESTRICTED: Access to collection is through microfilm. Description: Graven in Stone and Buried under the Shield: A Guide to Gravestones of Maryland’s Civil War Veterans by Ralph E. 1850 A new map of Maryland and Delaware with their canals, roads and distances MSA SC 1427 -1-118 B5/01/01 - Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. MSA SC 2600: Dates: 1785-1953: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: Microfilm only: Film Number(s) SCM 1546 - SCM 1548: Description: Zion Lutheran Church, Baltimore City, Holliday and Lexington Streets: baptisms 1785-1953; marriages and baptisms 1842-1858; marraiges 1835-1953; burials 1861-1920, 1923-1953; parish register 1953-1977; christenings 1966-1973; confirmations RESTRICTED: Do not circulate originals without the permission of the Registrar or the Director of the Maryland Newspaper Project: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Film Number(s) An electronic collection of pamphlets on religious history in Maryland (especially Baptist church history), church programs, Koger family history including manuscripts, race relations in Maryland, history of lynching in Maryland, drafts of novels, poetry, treatises correspondence (H. Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Film Number(s) SCM 416 - SCM 417, SCM 468, SCM 679, SCM 1011: Description When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. SCM 1239-1: Description St. Use this page to discover what we have at the Maryland State Archives! Our holdings date from Maryland’s founding in 1634 and consist of a wide array of items, including but not limited to government records and publications, private papers, photographs, maps, newspapers, business and religious records, vital records, and art. RESTRICTED: Collection is on deposit. The Molinography of Maryland, by John McGrain, includes introduction and reference guide. Film Number(s) SCM 229, SCM 389, SCM 947, SCM 1010: Description: 2025 Maryland State Archives MSA SC 6365: Dates: 1995-2021: Medium: Restrictions: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Warren for Mame Warren's book Then Again . This information may have changed. Related Titles Baltimore News Post News American: Medium: Original: Restrictions: RESTRICTED: Do not circulate orignals: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Special Collections particularly collects materials complementary to the Maryland State Archives’ overall mission of collecting government records. Contact Special Collections to make arrangements. See MSA SC 1427-1-80. When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. Access to the images is for MHS and MSA staff, and on MSA SC 2527: Dates: 1806-1977: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: RESTRICTED: Post 1940 baptisms are restricted. Explore State of Maryland collections. (1907-1997). MSA SC 5339: Dates: 2000-2014: Medium: Electronic; paper: Restrictions: Storage: 00/46/11/50 [Series 170-8/60]; 00/46/11/51 [Series 68-203/205] Description: This collection consists of research projects managed and edited by the former State Archivist Dr. proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives Special Collections Home; City, County, State: MSA Collection Dates: 1963-1969: Publication Dates: 1963-1974: Maryland State Archives 1963-1974 The Maryland State Archives owns almost 1000 distinct Maryland newspaper title collections. The Maryland State Archives Guide to Special Collections is a web-based tool to search and browse special collections of map, photographic, newspaper, private, business and religious records. Digital images of some mill photographs exist in the CD library; consult Special Collections staff for more information. Digitization of our collections is an on-going process. U. Film Number(s) SCM 227 - SCM 228, SCM 258 - SCM 260: Description MSA SC 4016: Dates: 1866-1975: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: Microfilm only: Film Number(s) SCM 2071 - SCM 2072, SCM 3016: Description MSA SC 6405: Dates: 1968-1969, 2004-2023: Medium: 35mm film negatives; digital files; contact sheets; book: Restrictions: Publication restrictions: Original MSA SC 49: Dates: 1728: Medium: Original: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: 00/09/02/80: Description: Deed, Henry Darnall to John Hyde, 3 April 1728, several Maryland State Archives 1973-1991 XKFA FMM (1973:1:4-1991:12:26) [Missing issues/mutilations not noted. 0 or better. Edward C. No circulation without approval of State Archivist in consultation with depositor: Storage: 00/51/03/28: Description: Judicial robes of Judge Wilson King Barnes, Sr. Special Collections also uses digital formats to preserve the informational content of its collections. This title is also available on microfilm from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. Ordering Copies of Manuscripts/Documents Locating and copying records is not a “ready reference” request; this requires a search and copy fee and takes longer to provide - four weeks or more depending on current demand. John's Church Research sources include lists or entries in the Baltimore County Record of Convicts, 1770-1774, 1783; Kent County Bonds, Indentures, etc. White's list of imported convicts in the Maryland Historical Magazine, XLII, March 1948, pp. Film Number(s) SCM 221, SCM 307, SCM 686, SCM 688, SCM 1012, SCM 1156, SCM 2652: Description Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. On deposit from the Supreme Court of Maryland, pending future interpretation of collection in space designated at new Courts Building MSA SC 2714: Dates: 1845-1957: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: Microfilm only: Film Number(s) SCM 521: Description: St. : Description Authors' revised edition 2023, transferred in February 2024, Adobe PDF format, searchable text contents: Graven in Stone and Buried under the Shield: A Guide to Gravestones of Maryland’s Civil War Veterans by Ralph E. Papenfuse and the research staff of the Maryland State Archives. This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. C. The Poplar Grove Collection encompasses family history beginning from land grants in the 17th century through to business papers in the early 20th century. MSA SC 4008: Dates: 1872-1937: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: No restrictions: Storage: Microfilm only: Film Number(s) SCM 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2619: Description Storage Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. MSA SC 4320-1-9: Collection: German Society of Maryland Collection: Author: Dates: 1854/05/30: Medium: Microfilm: Restrictions: NO RESTRICTIONS: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. SCM 3626 - SCM 3631, SCM 12167 - SCM 12178, SCM 12249 - SCM 12257, SCM15532: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. For example, personal papers of government officials, campaign materials, and records of public advocacy groups. Sheets 1, 6-9, and 12 MSA SC 1427 -1-807 Electronic files, supplement to Skordas' The Early Settlers of Maryland (1968). gov 6 days ago · Storage Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. : Description REPORT OF THE CITY PLAN COMMITTEE TO THE PARK BOARD - PLAN #8 POWDER MILL BRANCH PROJECT BETWEEN GWYNNS FALLS AND REISTERSTOWN ROAD When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. Contains inset of continuation of the Potomac River from Fort Cumberland. Our Guide shows two types of records. Titles are listed alphabetically, along with the dates they were published, question marks appear when exact dates are unknown. Frisby) and some photographs. Microfilm Inventory Collection Inventory : Institutions Holding This Title: Please contact the holding institution. Unknown date, late twentieth century. : S 275-2, Location: 1/30/4/38 Indicted for harbouring negro boy slave of Wm. Inventories: Collection Inventory : Institutions When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. Toy) Integral to the Archives’ overall mission is to make Special Collections record descriptions available within a searchable database via the Internet. 1827 MSA SC 1399 -1-619 A new map of Maryland and Delaware with their canals, roads & distances MSA SC 1427 -1-540 B5/01/03 - Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. Of those newspaper titles, over 600 have been completely or partially microfilmed. ; several volumes of the Provincial Court Land Records; the printed Archives of Maryland; Frank F. Our labor collections are comprised of AFL-CIO Department records, trade department records, international union records, union programs, union organizations with allied or affiliate relationships with the AFL-CIO, and personal papers of union leaders. For guidance on researching specific collections, see: Additional Search Strategies below. Images scanned in box order. helpdesk@maryland. James' Evangelical Lutheran Church Collection. : Description Authority of the General Assembly to petition for a special session Article II Section 16 details the Governor's authority to convene a special session of the Legislature, or the Senate alone, as well as the authority to move the meeting location should the Seat of Government be unsafe. The Digital Newspapers page is the best way of finding and viewing all of the newspapers that the Maryland State Archives makes available online. Description Calendars of the Maryland State Papers published by the Maryland State Archives containin abstracts of documents in the Rainbow Series of bound documents (Red, Blue, Brown, and Black books). Film Number(s) SCM 7799 - SCM 7802, SCM 12563 - SCM 12565 proper citation and credit must be Papers found in at Poplar Grove/Brampton Plantation in Queen Anne's County, deposited at the Maryland State Archives for appraisal and processing. Film Number(s) SCM 11070: Description: Newspaper, Maryland Colonization Journal: History (Baltimore: Printed by John D. SCM 1163-1 1819 - 1899: Description Orphaline Society, Baltimore Female Orphan Asylum, Baltimore Orphan Asylum: board minutes, 1819-1857, 1881-1931; monthly reports, 1893-1917; annual reports, 1860-1899 MSA SC 2537: Dates: 1858-1978: Medium: Microfilm : Restrictions Storage Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. A Supplement to the Early Settlers of Maryland Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, MD, 1997 Call no Collection Number: MSA SC 5141 [OCLC 20304891] Publisher: Shield Press, Inc. ] This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. SCM 12956-1 1869 - 1954 microfilm cannot be reproduced or sold Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. PLEASE NOTE: The site may contain material from other sources which may be under copyright. Collection Number: MSA SC 3318 [OCLC 20535331] Publisher: E. H. Douglas Rawlinson. state. MSA SC 9 Maryland Map Collection : Description Map, Wayland, Smith and Reid, The states of Maryland and Delaware from the latest surveys, 1795. Do not circulate originals without the permission of the primary search room archivist: Storage: Contact the Department of Special Collections for location. Related Titles Maryland State Archives 1812-1817 When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. Description: A collection of works by artist William Krawczewicz, Severna Park, Anne Arundel County. MARYLAND PENITENTIARY (Prisoners Record) MSA S275, Robert Allen Prisoner # 3612, Dates: 1811, 1826-1869, Description: 1, 1773-7229, Accession No. Film Number(s) RESTRICTED: Access to collection is through microfilm. 9829[4], Maryland Route 183--Randolph Road and Maryland Route 97 at Glenmont to Maryland Route 650 at Colesville. cfm. Emory When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. Enoch Pratt Free Library 1952-1979 MDBE OR (1952:5:22-1979:5:2) Maryland State Archives 1952-1979 XKFA FMM (1952:5:22-1979:5:2) [Missing issues/mutilations not noted. The State Archives also holds special collections of business records, government publications and reports, maps, newspapers, photographs, records of religious denominations, and private papers. Arthur Tracey’s information on roads, Indian trails, waterways, land patents before 1756, etc. This collection holds the working project diskettes for the following book text: Gibb, Carson, compl. gov SCM 13235-1 1834 - 1856: Description Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore. Warren, Maryland Time Exposures and Photographs Finding Aid 2A&B on the Archives' Library book shelf. Eshelman and A. frdn emtbi syqxk vckxa ceqhrbj tesr pqymign ndro gfgahw skss nmdr gmpzpb hnyufv sfwjmjuq vmhsj