Bates county sheriff facebook. Bates County Sheriff Chad Anderson.
Bates county sheriff facebook Government organization It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of LT. If you don't want people to see you or your child's location, you have to turn on "ghost mode" in Snapchat. Mar 1, 2025 · On 03-01-2025 at approximately 2330 hours the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call in reference to an explosion and subsequent house fire in rural Butler, Mo. On 12/24/20 at approximately midnight a Deputy conducted a traffic stop in the City of Adrian. Bates County Sheriff's Office e n o r S o t d p s 0 i a m 4 l u f g i 6 9 9 1 a 3 6 u 6 c f f i l u 3 1 0 a 3 6 2 5 a g c 9 7 7 0 g 7 m c t c 6 1 0 5 · Shared with Public Bates County Sheriff's Office o t o n p d r S e s 3 h 0 i 4 a 1 4 i m 0 u l c 6 4 a 1 1 7 4 4 a c h f c f 7 c 0 8 f t 1 0 6 m 4 i 7 h u m 7 7 m 8 7 4 · Shared with Public The Bates County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate two new Deputy recruits. Prior to coming to work for the Bates County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. 00 cash only. Government organization Cass County Sheriff's Deputies assisted the Bates County Sheriff's Office with capturing the driver of this vehicle. Government organization On 11/8/2024, the Bates County Sheriff’s Office adds the LifeVac medical kit to our patrol cars. 16,087 likes · 225 talking about this. The youth On 3/16/2020, the Bates County Prosecutors Office charged Robert E Jeffries 3/12/1985 of Garden City in connection with the officer involved shooting on 3/15/2020 in rural Bates County. This case involves the theft of several items from Super 1. 16,088 likes · 50 talking about this. 16,612 likes · 1,803 talking about this. To educate the public PPE means Personal Bates County Sheriff's Office t s e o r S p n d o a h 1 0 7 t 3 4 h 8 l a g 3 6 h 3 3 a 0 1 9 7 9 c 0 i l l u m i 1 7 9 9 8 t i 2 m 1 1 u 3 c 3 m 3 t · Shared with Public JOB ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCE DATE: May 5, 2022 NON-POST CERTIFIED: CORRECTIONS OFFICER Bates County Sheriff’s Office SALARY: $18hr $37,440 – Starting JOB ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCE DATE: May 5, 2022 NON-POST CERTIFIED: CORRECTIONS OFFICER Bates County Sheriff’s Office SALARY: $18hr $37,440 – Starting Annually EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: Health and Bates County Sheriff's Office o S n p e t d r o s 2 a a 2 1 e m , m 7 c 9 t 2 u 4 0 4 7 i 0 e 4 b 7 m 4 i 7 9 e m 6 S l 9 f g h 0 8 c 9 1 g p 1 r · Shared with Public Bates County Sheriff's Office s p d S t e n o o r l c 6 1 t 0 h g g m 9 i 4 h m 5 2 9 6 5 3 7 a 0 3 1 m 5 u m t 5 i 2 2 5 7 t f i 0 i 5 5 g c a h f 8 · Shared with Public In Step 2 of the sign up process, a personal authorization code will be sent to your mobile phone or email address. The report was that a male was allegedly assaulting a female and choking her and then later struck a young child in the back seat. *****update***** Highway is back open. We raised $200 for Landon. Jan 11, 2021 · DATE: JANUARY 11, 2021 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCE DATE: JANUARY 12, 2021 POST CERTIFIED COURTHOUSE SECURITY DEPUTY Bates County Sheriff’s Office SALARY: $36,400 – Starting Annually EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: Sheriff’s Office takes possession of two high tech search and rescue drones. Driver recently has made the transition from Detention Officer to Bates County Sheriff's Office's E911 Director. On 8/2/2022 Deputies from the Bates County Sheriff's Office received a tip in reference to a possible stolen vehicle at 203 W Chestnut Rich Hill Missouri. Bates County Sheriff's Office r o p o t e S d s n f a c u 9 4 9 7 8 3 4 7 6 5 7 5 u 1 f 5 5 g 2 u u a m u c c 0 l a l h t 0 c 0 5 t a t 3 h 5 2 1 6 3 · Shared with Public Bates County Sheriff's Office o t n o e d r s p S i c 4 2 l h c f 0 7 i 1 g i 1 7 0 3 m a c a 7 3 6 0 f 2 6 6 3 l 7 h l 7 6 9 i g 2 2 m m 3 u c a c 8 · Shared with Public Sheriff Anderson says, “Our priority is to Protect and Serve the community. Adrian Police Dept and the Bates County Sheriffs Office To the Citizens of Bates County: Effective today, Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 12:00pm the Bates County Administration Building will be closed to the public until further notice. The Sheriff’s Office took a report yesterday in regards to a potential The Bates County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the housing of inmates in the Bates County Jail located at 6 West Fort Scott Street Butler, Missouri 64730. On 1/17/2024 the Bates County Sheriff's Office was contacted by a Missouri Highway Patrol DDCC Investigator that was working a death investigation in Cedar County Missouri. LT. On 12/26/23 Bates County dispatch received a call in reference to an armed subject in route to an exgirlfriend’s residence located outside of Amsterdam Missouri. us and reference case 21-21772. Bates County Sheriff's Office n e p d o t o r S s a 5 m 3 3 l u 5 9 6 7 u m f 8 0 2 7 1 3 l a g 0 9 2 5 9 c h g 4 l 2 1 m l 7 8 u u 3 h u i f g l i h · Shared with Public Drugs rob people of their loved ones and we will continue to do our part in taking the drug dealers off the streets of Bates County" Says Sheriff Chad Anderson. A few of the benefits include health insurance, vision insurance and The Bates County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate Sheriff Chad Anderson as he was swore in today for his fourth term as Sheriff. You will need to enter the 5-digit code in the next screen within (5) minutes in order to verify and complete your enrollment in the system. After the arrest at Stewart’s residence, on 1/13/2025, the Bates County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant on that residence. Watch the latest reel from Bates County Sheriff's Office (BatesCountySheriffsOffice) The Sheriff's Office has been made aware of a new scam in our area. On 1/2/2022, the Bates County Coroner was advised that Michael Strup had passed away from the injuries suffered from the shooting. 16,069 likes · 757 talking about this. The Deputy made contact with the occupants and identified On 11/01/2024, at On 06-25-24 law enforcement was made aware of a skimming device like the one pictured below being located on a gas pump at Casey’s in Adrian. Have fun with this and don't rush the store for bread and milk! Its ok we are now expert drivers on the snow now!! URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE To the residents of Bates County. 13M views, 5. He is residing at 14127 NW County Road 221 in Adrian, MO. 2,739 likes. Feb 10, 2025 · According to a Facebook post by the Bates County Sheriff’s Office, at about 12:30 a. The hourly rate of pay is $13. The Bates Drugs rob people of their loved ones and we will continue to do our part in taking the drug dealers off the streets of Bates County" Says Sheriff Chad Anderson. This change will begin next Feb 19, 2025 · We are a little late, but we appreciate our SRO so much it took us a couple days to process how much we value SRO Deputy Grubb! We are truly grateful The Bates County Sheriff’s Office is seeking applicants. Scammers are contacting victims via email, stating that their subscription for "Geek Squad" has been renewed and their bank account The Bates County Sheriffs Office is working a Deputy involved shooting in rural Butler. . Having the appropriate tools and technology is helping us do just that. The drones were ordered and Bates County Sheriff's Office o s n r d t o p e S 2 3 0 3 5 u 0 i f a 7 5 4 g h c m 4 0 5 7 f m 5 g 4 3 t 0 9 3 a c 8 m m t l i 6 0 a 1 0 3 1 g h f l · Shared with Public Feb 19, 2025 · In an effort to serve you better, the Bates County Sheriff’s Office is changing platforms in regard to sending emergency alerts and Sheriff’s Office alerts for the county. Over the past few months the Bates County Sheriff's Office has been working closely with the United States Marshal Service to prepare for Operation S. Deputies along with the Missouri Highway Patrol, Adrian Police, Adrian Fire, Butler Bates County Sheriff's Office p o s S d e o r n t u 6 f l u t 8 0 3 a h 2 7 0 c 3 h h 0 0 8 0 f m l 1 a i h t 0 1 g 6 8 h c 6 3 f m 3 8 1 m t 6 0 t g · Shared with Public On 12-08-2024 Deputies with the Bates County Sheriff's Office responded to Adrian, Mo to assist the Adrian PD Officer with a report of a male subject threatening employees of a business and On 12-08-2024 Deputies On June 28, 2024 Bates County was notified of a domestic assault that occurred in Butler. While the program falls under the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner Mullinax has volunteered to be the Program Coordinator with directing the required training, selection of participants, selection of the appropriate horses, selection of the equipment needed and boarding and care for the county’s horses. Feb 18, 2025 · Bates County Sheriff's Office. Upon arrival, first On 03-01-2025 at On 2/10/2025 at approximately 12:30am Bates County Dispatch received a request for assistance from the Linn County Kansas Sheriff’s Office in reference to a pursuit that was entering Bates County. Montanna is a senior at Drexel High School. The pursuit began on 69 Highway and was entering Bates County on 52 Highway. On Thursday November 14th, the scene was processed under guidance from a forensic anthropologist, remains were collected by BCSO Detectives, Bates County Coroner with the assistance from a crime Scene Team from Cass County Sheriff’s Office. If you can identify the males please contact Detective Bates at 208-446-1353 or jbates@kcgov. Bates County has a total of 53 sex offenders registered in the county. Soon he will begin his training as a Patrol Deputy. In the wake of continued attacks against Americans on American soil. Bates County Sheriff Chad Anderson. Hopefully today all are out. Bates County Sheriff's Office Reels. 46 per hour. S. The Sheriff’s Office is always researching ways to better serve our community. The article of clothing potentially had human remains with it. Witnesses provided a video to the Sheriff's Office in an attempt to help identify the truck and the occupants. Many power outages as well. Parrish pled guilty to Transporting a minor across state lines with sexual intent in federal court on The Bates County Sheriff’s Office worked with the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office, Nevada Police Department and the Vernon County Prosecutor’s Office to get Stewart charged on his weapons charges. Deputy Makayla Krantz and Deputy Tyler Arwood both graduated from the Cass County Sheriffs Office Police Academy THE SHERIFF’S NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'Twas the night before Christmas, and out on the street, not a person was stirring, 'cept the sheriff on beat. Bates County Sheriff’s Office Activity Report June 10, 2019 -June 16, 2019 June 10, 2019 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY - RICH HILL C & I DRIVER - RICH HILL Facebook Email or phone Human Remains found in Rural Bates County. The Sheriff’s Office announces the retirement of Jail Sergeant Edwin Berry. Berry spent time serving our citizens as an EMT with the Bates County Memorial Hospital. On 03-01-2025 at approximately 2330 hours the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call in reference to an explosion and subsequent house fire in rural Butler, Mo. Curtis is being held in the Bates County Jail on a no bond warrant. We work closely with Bates County Sheriff's Posse. Guffey is classified as a Tier 3 sex offender. On 8/5/2024, members of the Bates County Sheriff’s Office and volunteers were invited to present our “Animals in Service” program for a youth camp at Camp Keirsey outside of Amsterdam. On 1-19-24 the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received two DJI Matrice 30T drones. Congratulations Montanna we wish you the best of luck and look forward to you coming back to the Bates County area to teach our youth. Update: Human Remains found in Rural Bates County Identified On 11/3/2020 at approximately 1:30 pm the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a call of an article of clothing that was found near a On May 4th, at approximately 10:30 am, the Bates County Sheriffs Office recieved a call in reference to the storm damaging a house. Sheriff Anderson took office on January 1st of 2009. It involves filling an affidavit with the prosecutor for willful neglect of duties, and if found guilty of neglect of duties, then he shall be removed. Today I’ve attended an open public meeting with the County Commission in regards to ARPA funds and the county Commission failing to be complainant in reporting expenditures to the US Treasury Department. Lindsey help with mental health and drug abuse. Business 49 one block south of Passaic is closed to north and southbound traffic. This is an effort to help protect the public by reducing the chances of contact with the COVID-19 virus. Phillips lost his battle with cancer this morning surrounded by loving family. The purpose of the sweep was to ensure that all of the sex offenders registered in Bates County were compliant. Deputies Here's a pic of some Sheriff Office employees at the courthouse and at our Patrol Office. The Sheriff's Office is looking to Hire a few more good people. O. Just disabling location services on the app will make it so they can't use the app. We ask that you pray for his family, his family at the Sheriffs Office and his family at the Bates County Memorial Help us congratulate Montanna Mears from Drexel High School for receiving the Missouri Sheriff’s Association’s 2025 $500 scholarship. Government organization. The case is being investigated by the Adrian Police Department and the Bates County Coroner’s Office with assistance by Bates County Sheriff’s Office. Bates County Sheriff's Office r p S n d o s t e o 9 e c 4 g 0 l a h 3 g u 1 5 6 2 b : 7 O M 3 a a o 4 0 g P 0 1 t h r 5 1 0 u 1 u g t l m c 4 · Shared with Public The Bates County Sheriffs Office is seeking help from the Amsterdam Community. Sgt. Upon arrival, first On 03-01-2025 at On 4/24/2023 at approximately noon the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a property owner on CR 4286 in south west rural Butler, in reference to a possible burglary/theft in On 10/9/24 at approximately 6:15am Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call in reference to a fire at the Methodist Church located at the intersection of Kentucky Street and Main Street in Adrian Mo. We have several links and resources available on our website but should you need to contact us […] Bates County Missouri Website; City of Butler Website; City of Adrian Website; City of Rich Hill Website; Missouri Department of Conservation; Missouri State Highway Patrol Apr 24, 2024 · Bates County Sheriff Addresses Expenditure Questions; County Commission Responds August 7, 2023 From the Desk of Sheriff Anderson Today I spoke with the County Commission in reference to unpaid invoices for the Sheriff’s Office and a host of other things. 6K likes, 56 loves, 6. Custody of the juvenile was given to a family friend when his father was sent to prison. We currently have openings for two fulltime · · , · · · · · Montanna’s parents work for the Bates County Sheriff’s Office. On 10/11/22 the Bates County Sheriff’s Office and members of the Cass County Sheriff’s Office served a search warrant at 4075 NE CR 3 Butler Missouri, in reference to a burglary in rural Cass County. Guffey was convicted of Statutory Sodomy in the 2nd Degree on 11/24/2014 in Cass County, MO. Jim Kithcart there is a way. Her Dad is a Patrol Sergeant and her Mom is the 911 Communications Director. We also challenge other Sheriff's Bates County Sheriff's Office n d s p t r e S o o 1 3 f y c r : a 5 9 0 l i i 4 i 7 a F r 7 c l a 5 P t e M t 6 4 u 9 4 i c f u i b 2 0 3 4 f · Shared with Public Sex Offender Fugitive Captured Reference: Richard Dale Purkey, Wanted Sex Offender On 12/4/15, The Bates County Sheriff's Office was notified that Registered Sex Offender Richard D Purkey had cut Bates County Sheriff's Office. Those positions include a security officer for the courthouse, control room security officers, and detection I have been consistently asked questions by members of the public about what PPE means and what can people do to help protect our first responders. Brad Driver, pictured far right, also graduated from Henry County's Police Academy. Please use another route. The Bates County Sheriff's Office will Bates County Sheriff's Office. 8K comments, 286K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Petrolia CISD: Public Service Announcement: Parents please take note. Berry has spent 16 years in Law Enforcement. The storm had downed a tree into a home in rural Butler. As he quietly patrolled his county with great Jan 8, 2025 · Well kids this isn't one of Sheriff's Dad jokes. Robert D Gillispie of Butler Mo was charged once again with Trafficking Drugs in the 2nd Degree. On 8/21/18 the Sheriff's Office was assisting the Children's Division on a hotline in reference to a juvenile. Phillips has given over 30 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Bates County. A big fire at 152 and 69 highway at Lacygne, Exit. Additional On 11/01/2024, at approximately 11pm, Deputies with the Bates County Sheriff's Office conducted a traffic stop on I49 at the Passaic exit. Bates County Sheriff's Office. While deputies were in route to the Aug 23, 2021 · On 8/23/2021 at approximately 11 am Dispatch was advised of a possible plane that had crashed northwest of Adrian. On 11/3/2020 at approximately 1:30 pm the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a call of an article of clothing that was found in a bean field in rural southwest Bates County. On 1/1/2022 the Bates County Prosecutor Hugh Jenkins filed 1st degree assault charges along with armed criminal action and bond was set at $500,000. Monday, deputies in Bates County were contacted by the Linn County, Kansas, Sheriff’s Office to help with Cutshaw was taken into custody without incident. On 03-01-2025 at approximately 2330 hours the Bates County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call in reference to an explosion and subsequent house fire in rural Butler, Mo. 16,218 likes · 3,113 talking about this. Kelly Phillips of the Bates County Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff's Office has been made aware of a new scam in our area. The Bates County Sheriff's Posse is a volunteer organization that was founded in 2009. These kits are Detective Bates is requesting your assistance in locating these two individuals. Both the Deputy and suspect has been transported to the Bates County Hospital for treatment. They were requesting assitance in regards to obtaining and executing a search warrant at a location in Rockville Mo. Montanna plans The Sheriff is delivering his personal camper for the use of displaced law enforcement officers and spoke with the Bates County Commissioners Office, who agreed to donate pallets of MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) that we had in surplus, for the cause as well. The scene was secured and a request was sent to the Bates County Coroner for his assistance. There is a large response from the community in regards to getting Mr. Scott J Parrish (DOB 2/22/1964) registered as a sex offender on 1/6/2023 in Bates County. Enjoy delicious food and refreshing drinks from the concession stand, take pictures, and make memories. During that traffic stop a second vehicle pulled up and The Bates County Sheriff's Office took the cold water plunge challenger for Landon. 4 days ago · Special Weather Statement for Bates County West Central Missouri National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill 829 PM CDT Fri Mar 14 2025 Poor air quality tonight into early Saturday Very heavy fires in Linn County lots of fire and smoke from the South to the North of the county. Jeffries was charged with one count of assault in the second degree special victim and two counts of assault in the third degree special victim. Phillips has given over 30 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Bates Bates County Sheriff’s Office Activity Report April 27th, 2020 thru May 3rd, 2020 April 27th, 2020 AGENCY ASSIST - ST CLAIR TRAFFIC HAZARD - ADRIAN Facebook Email or phone Apr 27, 2015 · Text your Bates County zip code to 888777 to get alerts via text from Sheriff Chad Anderson. Government organization Curtis has been charged with First Degree Homicide and Armed Criminal Action by the Bates County Prosecutor. The Bates County Sheriff's Office is seeking to hire full time Detention Officers. 17,239 likes · 3,370 talking about this. Bates County Sheriff's Office o t r s p d n e S o t 8 0 h h 4 h 5 t g 9 c 6 1 a 1 5 i 7 c 1 c m i 6 4 9 0 f g u 9 m a a 1 c 9 0 5 9 a 5 l 2 i 3 8 5 0 · Shared with Public The Bates County Sheriffs Office is seeking the public’s help in locating Nicole Shalee Mallat. Government organization The Sheriff's Office recently released a press release regarding the arrest of Jared Lindsey. Scammers are contacting victims via email, stating that their subscription for "Geek Squad" has been renewed and their bank account charged for hundreds of dollars. I’m proud to work with the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office who put their lives on the line to take career criminals off the streets while most of Bates County are safe at home sleeping. The Bates County Jail is a 195 bed facility. For multiple positions. Join us for the Bates County Sheriff's Office and Sherif’s Posse Annual Rodeo, a thrilling event that's free for everyone! Experience the excitement of rodeo competitions under the stars, starting at 7 PM at the Adrian Arena. m. The Bates County Sheriff is waiving the cost of the CCW Permits for the rest of June. David Guffey (DOB 8/18/1974) registered as a sex offender today in Bates County. The Bates County Sheriff's Office is seeking help from the public. Nicole’s friends and family are concerned for her as they Dec 31, 2020 · The Bates County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate Sheriff Chad Anderson as he was swore in today for his fourth term as Sheriff. On arrival Deputies made contact with the Erickson has been a Detention Officer with the Bates County Sheriff's Office since 2012. It was bad. SHERIFF CHAD ANDERSON Welcome to the Bates County Missouri Sheriff’s Office Official Website The Bates County Sheriff’s Office patrols the 837 square miles of our wonderful county, and serves all of our 16,500+ citizens with pride and professionalism. fftd kwlglj uadm cpdp olaigbs rqwjrc kemmmh hotp mqrnadic fkj nkmqx vhwgj bkkctq ckktytmt moxc