, 2016 ). 63 KB. Artificial beaches. Sri Lanka is not a bilateral partner country of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. 8 million, a Gross National Income per capita of Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) 688, 719 while United Nations Compound 202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo 7, Sri Lanka T: +94 258 0691-7 E mail: rcs-unsrilanka@un. We don’t merely construct buildings, we craft dreams High-Rise Mixed Development Project 1. DownloadFree: 88. These were financed by regular and concessional ordinary capital resources, the Asian Development Fund, and The location is largely untouched, and open to responsible tourism development, with potential for ecotourism initiatives that embrace nature through beautiful beaches, natural vegetation, and authentic local communities, winding its way through nature and culture trails, and hosting facilities for water-based activities, adventure sports and historical tours. Jan 17, 2022 · The Port City project was officially unveiled during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Colombo in 2014, a year after he launched his Belt and Road Initiative - an ambitious plan to build development of the particular resource needs to be done in order to meet the needs of the public. The World Bank recognizes the critical role of forests for a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive recovery and development in Sri Lanka. This Act may be cited as the Strategic Development Projects Act. The project supported integrated land use planning, helped to better manage 290,000 hectares of forests, and modernize the sector’s management capacity. The development objective of Public Financial Management Strengthening Project for Sri Lanka is to enhance the institutional capacity and transparency in procurement and external audit. Oct 28, 2020 · Taisei signed a contract for the development of the Bandaranaike International Airport Terminal 2 project in March 2020. Results Area 2: Improving the Quality of Higher Sep 27, 2023 · A modern overhaul. The project development objective (PDO) is to contribute to the improvement of urban services and livability in selected strategic cities of Sri Lanka. Call +1(917) 993 7467 or connect with one of our experts to get full access to the most comprehensive and verified construction projects happening in your In 2014, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved an $800 million multitranche financing facility, the Integrated Road Investment Program (iRoad), to the Government of Sri Lanka to improve road conditions between selected rural communities and socioeconomic centers, and to enhance the capacity of road agencies to better manage their road assets. Accordingly, the urban population is only 19. Sovereign Project | 29600-013. Short title. Stories. Submerged groyne. Sri Lanka’s urban-rural population ratio is misleading due to two reasons. Cultivationlands within 1 hour from Colombo. 50 requirements of disclosure. lk) (ii) Incorporate a local company in Sri Lanka in terms of the Companies Act No. S. Construction of the terminal, which will be conducted in three phases, is scheduled to be completed in 2024. The USAID CATALYZE Private Sector Development (PSD) Activity is designed to strengthen inclusive and sustainable economic growth by increasing the quality and volume of financing and business services available to micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in high-growth-potential sectors in Sri Lanka. Contact Us. 1) The first component, Improving the operational efficiency and transparency in public expenditures through e-procurement AN ACT to promote Strategic Development Projects; to provide a tax free period in relation to identified Strategic Development projects; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Development Projects : Sri Lanka Strategic Cities Development Project - P130548. Component 4: Project Management (US$ 8. Promoting Sri Lanka towards a sustainably developed nation through an inclusive and holistic approach that ensures environmental, social and economic harmony. 42 billion. Aug 11, 2023 · Friday August 11, 2023 7:42 am. The outcome will be harmonized and balanced port development facilitated in the nation. Featured Properties. Apr 25, 2024 · The Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project (UOMDP) stands as a flagship initiative of national significance in Sri Lanka. +94 112 873 637 About Us. This project has three components. May 8, 2018 · The Project comprises three components: Component 1: Housing Construction. 4 days ago · A view of Port City Colombo in Sri Lanka [Photo/sasac. Focusing on the stages of resettlement planning process discussed by Scudder and Colson four-stage model (1980) and the psychological risks discussed by Cernea’s (1990) impoverishment risks Oct 11, 2023 · October 11, 2023. 4million): This component will finance two sub-components: (i) Project Management and (ii) Audits. 97 per cent of the country’s population lived in rural areas as of 2022. Featured Apartment Projects. A main dam and two saddle dams will be built, and irrigation schemes installed to develop 2,070 ha of new land. Status: Approved. The impact of the investment project will be increased access to clean and reliable power supply enhanced by 2025. A resettlement scheme is also planned for approximately 797 families. Documents. Overview. Condo Directory. National Development Plan of Sri Lanka. Jan 1, 2018 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2018, Samarakoon MT published Moragahakanda development project in Sri Lanka: localization of development projects in rural and effects on communities | Find, read and cite all the Nov 14, 2019 · With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. Ministry of Megapolis together with Urban Development Authority initiated to implement the project naming support to Urban Regeneration Program. It has three components. Of the country’s approximately 2. 3250m length) Edge revetments, quays and seawalls. Valued at $1. Rural development in Sri Lanka (English) This Precis is an abbreviated version of the Performance audit report, Sri Lanka : Kurunegala rural development project, Report No. [Date of Commencement: 29 th February, 2008] 1. Early assessments of the project date back to 1989, when the first studies was conducted by the country's Central Engineering and Consultancy Bureau. Credit: Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Limited. The Dairy Development Project focuses on increasing the quality of milk production and the productivity of small-scale dairy farmers. S. It has also been made available for public review and comment in appropriate locations in Sri Lanka and in IDA's Public Information Center in accordance with BP 17. Cinnamon Estate Land. Download (Free: 152. Since 1956 – five years before the inception of USAID – the U. The project is regionally initiated by UNDP and funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the Government of The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. It assists its members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development. The current medium-term development plan, published in Dec 17, 2009 · This project will construct a reservoir and irrigation infrastructure in Kalu Ganga, which is located in the dry zone in central Sri Lanka. With the establishment of Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA) through Act No. 10970, dated August 3, 1992. gov. Viyathpura - Pannipitiya. CHEC hails from a background of renown for the design and construction of ports and bridges, dredging, container cranes and heavy machinery manufacturing. 35 2007, SLSEA becomes the custodian of the renewable energy resources, and thus SLSEA is the focal national Altogether, IFAD has implemented 19 projects in Sri Lanka, benefiting 654,832 households at a total cost of US$654. Under 49 $49/hr $1,000 - $10,000. An integrated road network will support long-term rural development. Located at the city center and providing access to the railway station, the modernized terminal Redefining real estate. Jun 12, 2021 · This qualitative research approach was used to collect the data from the senior project executives of Sri Lankan public sector projects by using purposive sampling method over the period from Jan 27, 2016 · The Eco-Systems Conservation and Management Project (ESCAMP) intends to support the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) in its attempts to strengthen biodiversity conservation and ensure sustainability of its development process in the landscapes dominated by protected areas. May 11, 2023 · Despite innumerable warnings from the U. 03 per cent, much below the 51% average of developing countries. It is intended for a wide audience, including Mar 8, 2017 · The project design also (i) makes use of the project design advance for the first time in Sri Lanka to undertake detailed designs; (ii) includes the first seaweed tissue culture laboratory and the first coastal aquaculture training and development center in Sri Lanka; and (iii) incorporates climate-change-resilient measures. The project comprises four components. Jun 24, 2015 · ADB and the Government of Sri Lanka are working together to deliver surplus water from the Mahaweli river basin to its dry zone, where scarce supplies undermine agricultural output and household incomes. A modern and competitive transshipment hub would allow Colombo Port to attract a larger number of vessels, achieve economies of scale, and thus, lower freight charges. Tenders. Agriculture Sector Modernization Project. However, even in these cases, we have shown that the protection of the environment demanded by the mobilized groups in Sri Lanka does not aim just to protect nature itself. New Projects. Dec 28, 2016 · Project Number. Jaishankar met with President Ranil Wickremesinghe today (11) at the Presidential Secretariat. 1 day ago · Japan ready to resume suspended official development assistance projects in Sri Lanka. Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka Jan 6, 2022 · Building capacity for sustainable management of forest landscapes. The Uma Oya Hydropower Complex (also internally called Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project or UOMDP) is an irrigation and hydroelectric complex in the Badulla District of Sri Lanka. BOI Act No. Objective Special Projects. 19-20 . This was a successful project whose experience helped to shape country's subsequent Rural Development efforts. info@sdc. 4 billion in the Port City Colombo development project, making it one of the largest Public Private Partnerships in Sri Lanka. These documents have been prepared in lieu of a project specific EA to appraise the environmental aspects of the project. 5 days ago · BOOSEO is an SEO and digital marketing agency serving both national and international businesses. Conflict-Affected Area Rehabilitation Project in Sri Lanka; Project Result / Case Study | 01 Feb 2022 Restoring Infrastructure in the Former Conflict Zones of Sri Lanka ; Project Result / Case Study | 01 Feb 2022 Improving Livelihoods of Coastal Communities in Sri Lanka ; Project Result / Case Study | 26 May 2021 Helping Sri Lanka to Go Green Since 2014, CHEC has invested $1. 57 million (with IFAD providing US$340. investsrilanka. Researchers suggest there were once 18,000-30,000 small tanks in Sri Lanka, with 90% organised into clusters or cascades. While producer groups Mar 9, 2024 · According to the World Bank Collection of Development Indicators, 80. Oct 24, 2017 · Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region. Landsfor less than 1 lakh a perch in Western Province. JICA focuses on three priority areas in Sri Lanka: "Promoting Quality Growth", "Development Mar 11, 2020 · MCUDP is jointly financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) of the World Bank Group and the Government of Sri Lanka. The Department of Public Finance has carried many knowledge dissemination programs on GPMCM for the key government institutions and other relevant stakeholders to make the staffs aware on the principles of contracts management and to help Sep 25, 2014 · The investment program will improve the accessibility of the road network in rural areas of Sri Lanka, and thereby increase the involvement of the rural population in nationwide economic and social development. I take this opportunity to congratulate the project team led by the Ministry, the consultants 231 GWh. 18 . Aug 29, 2016 · The project will help the government develop a national master plan for its port sector, including the restructuring of Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA). The multi-level terminal building will be spread across a floor area of approximately 180,000m². The Project aims to increase the income of tea smallholders and private estates on a sustainable basis and to improve the environment at the same time. lk. The total project cost is USD 321Mn (World Bank- USD 213Mn and GOSL -USD 108Mn) and the project is commenced on 10th July 2012 and in progress at the moment. Throughout the 70-year partnership, Bank Group’s financing, analytical work, and advisory services have contributed to Sri Lanka’s developmental roadmap, balancing opportunistic engagements with a long-term focus on fiscal sustainability, competitiveness Spanning 269 ha, it is a sea reclamation project next to the existing Colombo Business District (CBD). Second, the SLDU provides a more in-depth examination of selected economic and policy issues. [2023] International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: www. 2. IDG selectively and appropriately applies this company strategy to SAIL, based on priorities, opportunities, and constraints. Jun 4, 2021 · Since 2016, the Ecosystem Conservation and Management Project has helped Sri Lanka improve management and resilience of its ecosystems to both conserve biodiversity and benefit communities. To report any concerns regarding the operations of UNDP in Sri Lanka, including grievances related to staff behaviour and management of funds, please do contact the Project Manager: Ramitha Wijethunga | Ramitha. Sri La nka today has a population of 21. Sri Lanka. The project has two Sri Lanka is a founding member of ADB. Development Projects : Sri Lanka Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project - P166865 Jun 1, 2019 · This project is known as the largest national development project ever to be undertaken in Sri Lanka. As Sri Lanka’s largest export market, the United States is in a strong position to support the country’s economic growth. 2 billion to Sri Lanka. Mar 1, 2012 · Project Number. May 2, 2022 · A Sri Lankan Buddhist monk and villagers clash with police officers during a protest outside the inauguration ceremony of an industrial zone in Mirijjawila village in Ambalantota, Sri Lanka, Saturday, Jan. The company focuses on a wide range of technical services, including web and software development, as [ view the full profile of Booseo] Bandarawela, Sri Lanka. Maximizes the revenue from the land that will become available after the households from the underserved The Sri Lanka Sustainable Housing and Construction Roadmap paves the way for hosing and construction to move towards sustainability by identifying challenges and gaps in sustainable building construction throughout the lifecycle of housing and building. cn] The Colombo International Financial City (CIFC) is a major Chinese investment project in Sri Lanka. Nov 10, 1998 · Sri Lanka : Tea Development Project. Project data Sri Lanka In May 2009, more than 25 years of civil war between the Government of Sri Lanka and the separatist movement Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) ended in victory for the government forces. Project Data Sheet. The Strategic Cities Development Programme is a Government Initiative under the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing with Sri Lanka’s urban vision to develop the secondary cities as a system of competitive, environmentally sustainable and well -linked cities in a bid to foster economic growth and The development objective of the Primary Health Care System Strengthening Project for Sri Lanka is to increase the utilization and quality of primary health care services, with an emphasis on detection and management of non-communicable diseases in high-risk population groups, in selected areas of the country. 11 of 2021 was approved by the Government of Sri Lanka in May 2021, with a modern legal framework and attractive regulations focused on ease of doing business. The Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. USAID’s current Transforming Tourism in Sri Lanka. Strategic Cities Development Project. The impact of the project will be the realization of the most competitive and preferred ports and shipping destination in the region. Herewith attached the RPF document and ESMF document in three languages (English, Sinhala & Tamil versions) for get the public comments. The Ministry of Finance and Planning has established a tenyear development framework (2010-20) in which to realise the Mahinda Chinthana vision for Sri Lanka – that growth in GDP alone will not bring economic prosperity to the people (2005, 2010). The World Bank Group has been a trusted development partner for Sri Lanka for over seven decades. This is the first time in Sri Lanka that a port city has been built by filling the sea. First, it reports on key developments over the past 12 months in Sri Lanka’s economy, places these in longer term and global contexts, and updates the outlook for Sri Lanka’s economy. and its allies that China is the root of Sri Lanka’s economic woes, and that Chinese infrastructure development projects create security dilemmas for Apr 20, 2021 · The Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP), which began in 2019 to improve productivity and climate resilience of smallholder agriculture in Sri Lanka, has played a key role in the government’s COVID-19 relief and recovery initiatives. The Sri Lanka Development Update (SLDU) has two main aims. Location : Colombo 10 Land Extent : 1 Acre Indicative Value of Land : USD 11 Mn Board of Investment of Sri Lanka. 新浪微博. org. 4bn, the Colombo Port City development, which will serve as an extension of the central business district, is the largest foreign direct investment (FDI) project to be implemented in Sri Lanka, and will lead to additional investments being made in real estate projects on the site once the land is fully reclaimed. Delicious. Cumulative loan and grant disbursements to Sri Lanka amount to $9. Dec 17, 2009 · This project will construct a reservoir and irrigation infrastructure in Kalu Ganga, which is located in the dry zone in central Sri Lanka. Market Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project . Background Sri Lanka’s agriculture is characterized by a non-plantation sectorand a plantation sector. This would be achieved through shaping city transformations based on the cities’ cultural and economic assets with strategic investments. 270 ha) Offshore Breakwater structure (c. The city will be built on 269 hectares of land near the Galle Face Green in Colombo. The Project builds capacity through technical trainings, business trainings and increases the dairy farmer’s knowledge in milk handling and cattle management. Dec 17, 2021 · undoubtedly facilitate Sri Lanka’s future econom ic development. Since then, JICA as a development partner continues to support the Government of Sri Lanka to implement a wide range of projects. Sovereign Project | 26522-013. Extensive discussions were held to further Kaluganga Left Bank Development Project; Pilot project on Establishment of Ground Water Monitoring Network; Sri Lanka. Enterprise Sri Lanka Loan Scheme . Creating this groundbreaking city expansion involves many diverse activities. org | 0773 444 179. The terminal, which is spread over an area of 75 hectares, is 1,320 meters long. The objective of the project is to improve the management of sensitive Apr 2, 2024 · The World Bank Group and Sri Lanka. This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. Working closely with the Government, civil society, the private sector and communities, UNDP aims to eradicate extreme poverty, and reduce inequalities and exclusion to Paddy (Rice) Land. Onshore Facility Development Development of Offshore Structures Sea Defensive Structures CECB PORTS & COASTAL PROJECTS CECB is the Premier and the Largest Consulting Firm Sri Lanka ever had in Water Management and Hydro Power Sector since 1973 and have engaged in almost all the large-scale water management projects under Mahaweli and similar projects. India’s Minister of External Affairs, Dr. Posted by Editor on July 19, 2024 - 8:37 am. Dairy Development Project. Government has provided development and humanitarian assistance to Sri Lanka to promote a healthy, educated, and employed population. The main construction elements are: Land reclamation (c. The outcome will be clean power generation increased. Its primary aim is to divert approximately 145 million cubic metres (MCM) of excess water annually from the Uma Oya basin to the Kirindi Oya basin, addressing the issue of water scarcity in the South-eastern dry zone Pictorial Diary of ECT. 68 KB) An efficient port system is key to improving Sri Lanka's competitiveness and helps attract investment. In Sri Lanka, UNDP has been working as a key development partner of choice since 1967, to achieve sustainable human development in economic, social and environmental fronts. . The Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program is helping the government complete a decades-old program that is moving water from the country s largest river to its dry zone, made up of North The Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration, Ministry of Environment, Land use Policy Planning Department along with the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka institutionalised capacity building training modules to equip all stakeholders with the required skills and capacities through the development of operational manuals, guidelines and Nov 1, 2019 · Sri Lanka Dairy Development Project (SLDDP) 16-17 . The Forest Department is leading the preparation of the new Forest Sector Masterplan 2021-2030 and its 11 associated investment programs. 31287-013. 4 of 1978 as amended and its Regulations 2. The Sri Lanka Ports and Shipping Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe, in a recent interview with the Daily FT [11], recapped the success of concluding the mega-lease deal of Hambantota Port, which he identified as critical, and outlined plans for the development of other ports in the country aimed at enhancing Sri Lanka’s hub status and socio Jul 16, 2022 · In line with addressing the difficulties in financing climate-related issues, the United Nations Development Programme in Sri Lanka (UNDP) has partnered with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Finance to implement the Climate Finance Network (CFN) Project. +94 11 288 5164. The Mahaweli Development Project (MDP) is the largest irrigation-based agricultural development program in Sri Lanka and one of the largest agriculture-related programs in the world. Emerging from crisis as a strong, resilient and rebranded industry. 39431-013. The objective of this results area is to increase enrollments in higher education programs of strategic importance for economic development. Apart from our sectoral programmes, World Vision Lanka has been supported with grants to implement 30 minutes brief presentation on Guide to Project management and Contract Management (GPMCM) Sri Lanka. wijethunga@undp. 3 million hectaresof agricultural land, 80 percent is used for non-plantation food crops, comprising rice, maize, fruits, vegetables and other crops that are 2 How can you contribute to sustainable development in Sri Lanka? Contact Us. 7 of 2007 The following Acts and the Regulations framed thereunder mainly apply to and govern the foreign investment in Sri Lanka 1. 17 . Once completed, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) will inherit a fully-fledged terminal equipped with 12 STC cranes that handle Search all the ongoing (work-in-progress) infrastructure development projects, bids, RFPs, ICBs, tenders, government contracts, and awards in Sri Lanka with our comprehensive online database. Sri Lanka : Wind Power Generation Project. Marina Square – Uptown Colombo, Sri Lanka’s premier harbour-front luxury mixed development project, announced the structural completion of all 5 towers at an event held on 30th January 2024, aptly titled ‘A Sky-High Toast to Commitm Oct 16, 2018 · The current research looks at the psychological risks of resettlers in a Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement (DIDR) project in Sri Lanka. IZUMI Hiroto, head of the Japanese delegation visiting Sri Lanka, praised the successful completion of the country’s debt restructuring process, noting that it has paved the way for the resumption of Japanese Mar 1, 2018 · Development projects cause widespread impacts on nature in Sri Lanka, therefore, many of the mobilizations are aimed to protect the natural environment. IED overall assessment: Successful. Nov 9, 2023 · The $1. 7, 2017 - Sri Lankan police used water cannons to try to break up violent clashes Saturday between government supporters and villagers marching against what they say is a plan to take over Development Projects : Sri Lanka - Road Sector Assistance Project - Second Additional Financing - P116742 The project has three pronged strategy. World Vision Sri Lanka is a valued and trusted partner of governments, foundations, multi-laterals, corporations, and other organisations striving to eradicate the root causes of poverty and improve the wellbeing of children. Waterfront Land. October 2023. RDA Head Office: Road Development Authority" Maganeguma Mahamedura" No: 216, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Koswatta, Battaramulla SRI LANKA Telephone: +94 11 2 046200 With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. But today only 14,421 active tanks, and 1,661 cascades The Sri Lanka Development Update (SLDU) has two main aims. org Project Proposal (applications available at www. India has committed to providing additional funds to Sri Lanka for the speedy completion of nine development projects in the country. Commercial Scale Dairy Development Loan Scheme . They are, Results Area 1: Increasing Enrollment in Higher Education in Priority Disciplines for Economic Development. Dr. In dimensions alone, the MDP is one of the largest agricultural extension programs in the world as well, being responsible for the irrigation development of roughly 365,000 hectares in Sri Lanka ( Dissanayake et al. As a pioneering organization that is revolutionizing the real estate industry in Sri Lanka, we at John Keells Properties are on an ambitious venture – a quest to make the lives of our patrons vibrant and convenient offering them a place to flourish in tranquillity. To fulfill the objectives, the Project will (i) undertake Apr 22, 2021 · COLOMBO, April 22, 2021 —The Government of Sri Lanka and the World Bank signed a loan agreement in the amount of $69. To date, ADB has committed 482 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totaling $11. Trincomalee would also be connected to Anuradhapura, Vavuniya and Dambulla. worldbank. 49 million in financing). Credit: Cherubino. ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka plans to develop the Eastern province collaborating with India making Trincomalee into a national and regional hub for industry, energy and economic activity, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said. Sep 21, 2018 · (TOT) program for SLIG; (iv) development of an M&E/MIS system1 using Smart mobile technology; v) technical assistance, training and capacity development of the MPCLGS and the Finance Commission. 33 million for the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal Development Project, which will develop the Good Shed terminal in Kandy. Supports the construction of about 5,500 affordable housing units for underserved communities in multi-story apartment buildings; Component 2: Land Redevelopment. The primary objectives of the project are to : Facilitate and act as a catalyst for development in the economically deprived southern region of the country, by constructing a new highway linking Colombo with Galle, the provincial capital and Matara; and to The challenge: acting as Employers Quality Representative for the marine aspects. Validates the completion report's assessment of the project, which aimed to establish integrated management of coastal resources to improve their sustainability. 4 billion project to build an integrated resort and casino and conference center zone, a marina, apartments, a business district and green space has raised concerns in Sri Lanka and India that the development could become a virtual Chinese outpost or colony. Phone : +94 11 2676844. The four-year project aims to provide policy and institutional support to improve the business enabling environment and promote investment in Sri Lanka, improve performance on World Bank Doing Business indicators, strengthen investment policies and promotion activities Apr 14, 2023 · JICA has been providing technical cooperation project since 1954 and concessionary ODA loan since 1977 to Sri Lanka. Fax Aug 15, 2022 · Contact Us UDA 6th , 7th and 9th Floors, "Sethsiripaya", Battaramulla. +94 11 360 7295. yo ze os br sf nf hd pq uy cf