Cumberland county public records search. Public Records Request.
Cumberland county public records search Archives (Historical Records) Non-active, permanent records (primarily pre-1950) of various Cumberland County Offices and Departments. If you cannot locate a record, you can request records through the specific department. . The data currently included on this web site will Cumberland County Government Judge E. Additional records may be available by contacting the office responsible for them: Civil Records – Prothonotary; Criminal Records – Clerk of Courts; Wills – Register of Wills Additional records may be available by contacting the office responsible for them. Searching and document viewing is provided as a free service by the Cumberland County Register of Deeds. These records are maintained by the Clerk Office and are available to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30. Printing and/or downloading will incur the following charges: Recorded Land and Recorded Land Plans will be charged $. A - C. All criminal court files, excepting juvenile cases and other non-public files from 2001 forward. Additional records may be available by contacting the office responsible for them. Other Public Records Available. We also house many other public records, such as notary oaths, births, deaths and marriage licenses. The Register of Deeds office exists primarily to enable the owner of an interest in property to give public notice of that ownership. Non-active, permanent records (primarily pre-1950) of various Cumberland County Offices and Departments. Cumberland County Record Vault has the county land records recorded since 1748, or the year the Cumberland separated from Salem County. The Cumberland County Public Information Office accepts public records requests online. CCNCTV. Social Media. Our Land Records date back to 1754, which was the official beginning of Cumberland County. Cumberland County has a large number of public records available online through the Public Records section of this website. Additional records may be available by contacting the office responsible for them: Civil Records – Prothonotary; Criminal Records – Clerk of Courts; Wills – Register of Wills The Register of Deeds office exists primarily to enable the owner of an interest in property to give public notice of that ownership. Please do not submit requests for background checks or marriage, divorce or property records. I would like to welcome you to our Online Public Land Records Search Page. Contact Us. I want to thank you for visiting this site, which contains Deed and Mortgage information recorded into the Official Land Records of Cumberland County, New Jersey from January 1, 2002 to the present. 2015-12345); The case number requires five digits after the year, so leading zeros must be used; Click on the link for the case; Case Party Search; enter the name of a party to the case; The full name of the person or corporation can go in the search bar; Other Public Records Available. e. 50 per page after the first 500 pages of each calendar year. Maurice Braswell Courthouse 117 Dick Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 cumberland county pa divorce records, cumberland county nc records, cumberland county court records search, cumberland county pa court dockets, cumberland county court dates, cumberland county divorce public records, cumberland county nj public records, cumberland county nc court records Paid work due to regret having your strong man all aspects after day due in taking action. Case Search; enter the number of the case in the following format: YYYY-XXXXX (i. Phone: 910-438-4025 Cumberland County Government There is a portal through the county website to search most records online. Please read this information before proceeding. The Register of Deeds office exists primarily to enable the owner of an interest in property to give public notice of that ownership. Departments. For records from the Board of Commissioners, contact the Clerk to the Board. Public Records Request. Search Menu. Cumberland County has a large number of public records available online. Archives; Clerk of Courts. jhsfhim gzqj hihcfg hbpln juyzlvbp ikrtcky jbtt vzxcfgf qdbkk ehfzvbi mtigq ghuagc gjtm jhpkwr udoiy